Design, Webentwicklung, Fotografie u.v.m.
Souvenirs de brume // Instant Photography by Sarah Seené

Die cops ham mein handy // by Lukas Adolphi

Coffee Doodles // by David Jardine
Tolles Tutorial Video falls ihr mal was einfallsreiches aus euren diversen Kaffeeflecken erstellen wollt. Jetzt fehlt’s eigentlich nur noch an Kreativität… oder Zeit… oder Motivation. „How to draw on coffee stains“ ist übrigens auch nur ein kleiner Teil aus Davids‘ Schaffen – in seinem Youtube Channel finden sich noch weitere Videos rund um Kaffeeflecken.
Navigation Unknown // Art by John Wentz

Design Systems Handbook

Gadgets & Technology Icon-Set // 152 kostenlose Icons

One for the night // Joyner Lucas: I’m Not Racist
#imnotracist by Joyner Lucas Can’t erase the scars with a bandage I’m hoping maybe we can come to an understanding Agreed or disagreed, we could have an understanding I’m not racist
Happiness // Short Movie by Steve Cutts
Steve Cutts versteht es aktuell wie kein zweiter Gesellschaftskritik in animierte Kurzfilme zu packen. The story of a rodent’s unrelenting quest for happiness and fulfillment.
16th Century Tube Passenger // by Matt Crabtree

One for the night // Bicep: Glue
Killer Track aus der aktuellen Glue EP von Bicep und dazu passendes, sentimentales Video dass den Raves der 90er nachtrauert. Inspired by the song’s homage to the rave era, the video for Bicep’s GLUE by Joe Wilson is a series of landscapes which revisit the sites once brought alive by now infamous raves. Today they sit desolate and empty, retreating back to their former state, with little to show of their impact they had on UK music culture. The static shots offer space to reflect on the importance and idiosyncrasy of these locations and how an abandoned lido, remote airfield and disused warehouse helped to shape the lives of a generation. Juxtaposed with the images are the hazy, fragmented recollections of those who were there, lifted from Youtube comment sections of the genre’s most defining sounds. Perhaps the most beautiful and poignant pieces of evidence from the period, they eulogise over a time of unity and euphoria, and are a longing to be returned for just one more night. Credits: Film by Joe Wilson ( Executive Producers: Saskia Whinney & Freddie Fraser-Forsyth Producer: Carla Steinberg Production Company: TOPSAFE ( Camera Assistants: Corey Bartle-Sanderson, Lottie Bea Spencer, Holly Lucas Colourist: Myles […]