Feed me your thoughts! // Facebook Status Updates from hell
Social Decay // Series by Andrei Lacatusu
In der Serie „Social Decay“ kreiert CGI Künstler Andrei Lacatusu aus Bukarest / Rumänien detaillierte 3D Renderings einer zerfallenen Post Social Media Welt. Das Ganze würde sich meiner Meinung nach auch gut in der postapokalyptischen Welt von Fallout machen. Credits: Andrei Lacatusu @Behance @Facebook @LinkedIn @InstagramMeet the social media influencer family // by CBC Comedy
Ja, das ist Satire. Leider teilweise aber schon verdammt nah an der Realität dran – vor allem auf Instagram. Last year, they made about $1.3 million through sponsored content and collectively have over seven million followers. AJ, the self-proclaimed “man of three accounts,” operates all of his channels under the umbrella of a personal brand that he calls Try. At the moment, he’s hoping to secure a strategic partnership with Starbucks.Brit and AJ are trying for a third child. AJ hopes that the pregnancy will bring “nine months of pretty solid content.”
Technology Series (NSFW) // by John Jackson
Die Technology Series Gemälde des Künstlers John Jackson aus Nashville betrachtet unsere Gesellschaft im Zusammenspiel mit aktueller Technik: Sie zeigt Sucht, Hingabe, Ablenkung aber auch die Ironie, die neue Medien wie Social Media mit sich bringen und wie wir als Individuen inzwischen dadurch miteinander interagieren. My „Technology Series“ addresses how our culture is being funneled thru technology, the potential irony, distraction, seduction and how it affects the way we relate and communicate with each other. This subject is explored thru images of people as characters in different settings interacting with each other and technological devices. Die Gemälde lassen sich übrigens auch über Saatchi Art kaufen: saatchiart.com/johnjacksonA Social Life // Short Film by Kerith Lemon
Are you living the life that you post? A Social Life is a short film about a career driven woman named Meredith who’s living the life she’s always dreamed of… online. Meredith strives to live a balanced life: staying fit, working hard and connecting with her friends; she is creating her „image“ within her broader social media friend base. But she awakes one day and realizes that her reflection is merely the collection of photos that she has shared with others. Is this her life? Or just a carefully curated brand? Credits: Website Facebook Twitter Instagram