Design, Webentwicklung, Fotografie u.v.m.
Sounds of Earth // Website of the day

One for the night // alt-J: Get Better
Offizielles Video für „Get Better“ von alt-J. Das neue Album „The Dream“ gibt’s ab 11. Februar. Concept by Joe Newman Director: Stefanie Grunwald
Luxury Hotel // kostenloses HTML template

One for the night // ÂME – Dream House : A Strollology (Mixed)

It’s been a while // Short Movie

Blob Opera by David Li // Google Arts & Culture

One for the night // IDLES: Grounds
Das dritte IDLES Album „Ultra Mono“ erscheint wie heute bekannt gegeben am 25.09. Nach Mr. Motivator hier die neue Single Auskopplung Grounds. Passt wie von IDLES gewohnt aktuell wie die Faust auf’s Auge. Lyrics: You will not catch me staring at the sun Not sucking on a dum dum Not turning round to run No Hallelujahs and no kingdom comes So you will not catch me staring at the sun Do you hear that thunder? That’s the sound of strength in numbers Fee fee fi fi fo fo fum I smell the blood of a million sons A million daughters from a hundred thousand guns Not taught by our teachers On our curriculum Do you hear that thunder? That’s the sound of strength in numbers I am I Unify Not a single thing has ever been mended By you standing there and saying you’re offended Go ahead, tell them what I’ve intended I’ll say what I mean, do what I love And fucking send it Do you hear that thunder? That’s the sound of strength in numbers There’s nothing brave and nothing useful You scrawling your aggro shit on the walls of the cubicle Saying my race and class ain’t […]
One for the night // Ambient: gorilla vs. air mix

Urban Isolation – Skateboarding In A Global Pandemic // Short Movie
Russel Houghten’s Kurzfilm wurde bereits 2014 gedreht und zeigt Skateboarder in einem utopischen, von Menschen verlassenen Los Angeles. Das Ganze hat in Zeiten von COVID-19 durch die eindrucksvollen Bilder eine unheimliche Faszination. With quarantines and „shelter-in-place“ becoming the new normal, leave it to skateboarders to find the silver lining in this situation. Russell Houghten’s winning film entry for our 2014 REDirect project imagined a bizarro Los Angeles where traffic and pedestrians were non-existent; his eerily prescient ‚Urban Isolation‘ is a must-watch while you are cooped up this week. Please stay safe and healthy, and we hope to see you on the streets again soon! Credits: » Russel Houghten: Website » Russel Houghten: Vimeo » Russel Houghten: Instagram » via Urban Shit