Design, Webentwicklung, Fotografie u.v.m.
Deep Dark Fears // Tumblr of the day

Banksy: A Street Artist In Venice
Banksys‘ neues Werk „Venice in oil“ passend zur laufenden Biennale in Venedig. Kommentar im Banksy Instagram Channel: Setting out my stall at the Venice Biennale. Despite being the largest and most prestigious art event in the world, for some reason I’ve never been invited
City // Photography by John MacLean

I Am Easy To Find // A Film by Mike Mills / An Album by The National
Wunderbarer Kurzfilm von Mike Mills zum neuen Konzept-Album von The National „I Am Easy To Find“ (Release: 17.05.2019). Viele weitere Infos und Specials gibt’s auf der Projekt Website – unter anderem ein Directors‘ Commentary oder die erste Singleausklopplung „Light Years„. „I Am Easy To Find,“ a short film directed Mike Mills and an album by The National out May 17. For more information and special features, visit „I AM EASY TO FIND“ STARRING ALICIA VIKANDER MUSIC BY THE NATIONAL WRITTEN & DIRECTED BY MIKE MILLS
RUNA // kostenloser, dekorativer Font

Glowing City // Photography by Slava Semeiuta

Game Over // kostenloser Retro Pixel Font

Error Illustration Screens // kostenloses Mobile UI Kit

Namari // kostenloses Landing Page Template

Re:Birth // Pre-internet technology