Aus aktuellem Anlass:
Serious Studio hat vor ein paar Tagen auf Instagram eine „Creative Horror Stories“ Serie im Stil von klassischen Horror Filmtiteln veröffentlicht, die wohl jedem in der Kreativbranche bekannt vorkommen sollte. Darunter natürlich auch absolute Klassiker wie „I need this by end of day“, „We don´t have a budget for this“ oder mein absoluter Favorit „Working on the Weekends“.
Auch abseits der Instagram Webworker Albtraum-Serie hat das Studio übrigens ganz coole Arbeiten im Portfolio – also ruhig auch mal auf der Website vorbei schauen.
Spooky story #1: „It’s 4pm and I’m about to wrap things up and call it a day when all of a sudden, a client calls, demanding a turnover for a new concept by the end of the day. Sometimes, at night, I can still hear the shrill echo of a voice taunting me to make that deadline…“ – Anonymous Advertising Creative #halloween #creativehorrorstories #horrorstories #design #type #typography #lettering #art #hashtags #wow Ein von Serious Studio (@seriousstudio) gepostetes Foto am
Here’s the last one for today. Spooky story #3: „My small agency just finished a project that went on for months. By the time we started to talk about billing, my client told me to talk to their accounting department. The sad part is they really don’t have an accounting department— I was actually talking to their intern, who was a really bad liar. He ended up just saying that his boss suddenly can’t pay our agency. “ – Anonymous Finance Guy #halloween #design #type #creativehorrorstories #artph #art Ein von Serious Studio (@seriousstudio) gepostetes Foto am
Spooky story #5: „I’m at my daughter’s ballet recital, and out of nowhere my boss asks me to fix some site bugs that could easily be done on Monday. Here’s to the weekend!“ – Anonymous Web Developer #halloween #creativehorrorstories #art #design #type Ein von Serious Studio (@seriousstudio) gepostetes Foto am
» via DesignTaxi