One for the night // Squarepusher: Terminal Slam
„life’s a glitch and then you die“ Wunderbar verschrobenes Glitch-AugmentedReality-BigData-MashUp Video von Squarepusher. Das neue Album „Be up a hello“ gibt’s seit letztem Freitag. ‘Terminal Slam’ is directed by Squarepusher’s longtime collaborator, Daito Manabe. He is one of the directors and founders of Rhizomatiks, Japan’s world-renowned artists, programmers and DJs who have collaborated with a variety of domestic and international artists » via Nerdcore
One for the night // Ólafur Arnalds & SOHN: unfold
‘This is my breaking-out-of-the-shell album. It’s me taking the raw influences that I have from all these different musical genres and not filtering them. I really hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it.’ Video by Thora Hilmars starring BRÍET Amazon: Re:Member
One for the night // Aphex Twin: T69 Collapse
Der erste Vorgeschmack auf die neue Aphex Twin EP „Collapse“ – draußen am 14. September 2018 auf Warp. Ach ja – das Video dazu sollte man sich wahrscheinlich nur nüchtern anschauen ;) WARNING: CONTAINS STROBING. Taken from Aphex Twin’s ‘Collapse’ EP out 14 September on Warp. Video by Weirdcore. » via Aphex Twin
One for the night // Forest Swords: Panic
Toller Track, atemberaubendes Video. Bin gespannt auf’s neue Album „Compassion“ ab 05. Mai auf Ninja Tune! Credits Directors: Sam Wiehl and Matthew Barnes/Forest Swords DOP: Marco Fanton Performers: Maria Malone and Harper Danns Editor: Sam Wiehl Shot at Static Gallery and Vessel Studios, Liverpool Commissioner: Theresa Adebiyi for Ninja Tune A Dense Truth Production Website: Facebook: Twitter: @forestswords
Stephen King’s Stranger Love Songs // by Butcher Billy

One for the night // GusGus: Believe – Live NiteClub 1997
20 Jahre her und immer noch so verdammt gut: GusGus mit meiner absoluten Lieblingsversion von „Believe“ (Album: Polydistortion). Mehr von dem Liveauftritt gibt’s hier.
One for the night // James Blake: My Willing Heart – feat. Natalie Portman
Wunderbares Schwarz-weiß Video von Anna Rose Holmer mit Natalie Portman zu James Blakes‘ „My Willing Heart“ aus dem aktuellen Album „The Colour in Anything„. Credits: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Gastaloops // A 100 days looping gif project by Nicola Gastaldi
The World Song Map // by Dorothy