The Turning Point // Animation by Steve Cutts
Die Animation „The Turning Point“ von Steve Cutts zeigt die Zerstörung der Umwelt, den Klimawandel und das Artensterben aus einer anderen Perspektive, indem sie einfach die Menschen zum Opfer macht.
The Simpsons Intro // Russian Art Film Version
Das Simpsons Intro als düstere, russische Version von Lazy Square. Passend dazu hier nochmal die trippige Version von Yoann Hervo. Credits: Music: Goran Bregović – Ederlezi Film Director: Lenivko Kvadratjić (Lazy Square) For Non commercial Use Lažy Škvar Filma 2019
In a Nutshell // Animation by Fabio Friedli
Banksy: A Street Artist In Venice
Banksys‘ neues Werk „Venice in oil“ passend zur laufenden Biennale in Venedig. Kommentar im Banksy Instagram Channel: Setting out my stall at the Venice Biennale. Despite being the largest and most prestigious art event in the world, for some reason I’ve never been invited
Afternoon Class // by Seoro Oh
Stephen King’s Stranger Love Songs // by Butcher Billy

Gastaloops // A 100 days looping gif project by Nicola Gastaldi
Abstract: The Art of Design // Official Netflix Trailer
Die neue Netflix-Dokumentation „Abstract: The Art of Design“ sieht aus wie Chef’s Table für alle Designinteressierten – egal ob Grafik/Industrial/Interior-Designer, Illustrator, Fotograf oder Architekt. Gibt’s ab dem 10. Februar im Netflix-Stream. Meet eight of the most creative thinkers and imaginative minds working in the world of art and design today in the new Netflix original documentary series, Abstract: The Art of Design. Journey through their creative process, explore their work, and discover how their innovative designs have profoundly affected our every day lives. Abstract: The Art of Design streams only on Netflix in February.
Before there was Photoshop // Video
Nach 25 Jahren Photoshop vergisst man schnell was Grafikdesign ursprünglich einmal bedeutet hat. Follow along as Sean Adams mocks up a layout with a variety of traditional design tools.