It’s been a while // Short Movie

Urban Isolation – Skateboarding In A Global Pandemic // Short Movie
Russel Houghten’s Kurzfilm wurde bereits 2014 gedreht und zeigt Skateboarder in einem utopischen, von Menschen verlassenen Los Angeles. Das Ganze hat in Zeiten von COVID-19 durch die eindrucksvollen Bilder eine unheimliche Faszination. With quarantines and „shelter-in-place“ becoming the new normal, leave it to skateboarders to find the silver lining in this situation. Russell Houghten’s winning film entry for our 2014 REDirect project imagined a bizarro Los Angeles where traffic and pedestrians were non-existent; his eerily prescient ‚Urban Isolation‘ is a must-watch while you are cooped up this week. Please stay safe and healthy, and we hope to see you on the streets again soon! Credits: » Russel Houghten: Website » Russel Houghten: Vimeo » Russel Houghten: Instagram » via Urban Shit
The Last Video Store // Short Movie
The Neighbors‘ Window // Short Movie
Wunderbarer oskarprämierter Kurzfilm von Marshall Curry. THE NEIGHBORS’ WINDOW (written & directed by four-time Oscar-nominated filmmaker Marshall Curry) tells the story of Alli (Maria Dizzia), a mother of young children who has grown frustrated with her daily routine and husband (Greg Keller). But her life is shaken up when two free-spirited twenty-somethings move in across the street and she discovers that she can see into their apartment. More at:
One for the night // Squarepusher: Terminal Slam
„life’s a glitch and then you die“ Wunderbar verschrobenes Glitch-AugmentedReality-BigData-MashUp Video von Squarepusher. Das neue Album „Be up a hello“ gibt’s seit letztem Freitag. ‘Terminal Slam’ is directed by Squarepusher’s longtime collaborator, Daito Manabe. He is one of the directors and founders of Rhizomatiks, Japan’s world-renowned artists, programmers and DJs who have collaborated with a variety of domestic and international artists » via Nerdcore
Noah takes a photo of himself every day for 20 years
Noah Kalina hat 20 Jahre lang von Januar 2000 bis Januar 2020 täglich ein Selfie von sich gemacht und das hier ist das Ergebnis. Irgendwie ziemlich hypnotisierend. Passend dazu: „Portrait of Lotte, 0 to 20 years„. January 11, 2000 – January 11, 2020 7263 days A Work in Progress Everyday by Noah Kalina Music: “Circadian” by Carly Comando By Arrangement with Deep Elm Records More by Carly:
The Turning Point // Animation by Steve Cutts
Die Animation „The Turning Point“ von Steve Cutts zeigt die Zerstörung der Umwelt, den Klimawandel und das Artensterben aus einer anderen Perspektive, indem sie einfach die Menschen zum Opfer macht.
Server Room // Short Movie by AB/CD/CD
Try for you // Short film by Nathan Presley
The Simpsons Intro // Russian Art Film Version
Das Simpsons Intro als düstere, russische Version von Lazy Square. Passend dazu hier nochmal die trippige Version von Yoann Hervo. Credits: Music: Goran Bregović – Ederlezi Film Director: Lenivko Kvadratjić (Lazy Square) For Non commercial Use Lažy Škvar Filma 2019