Icon Paradise Essential Collection // 500 kostenlose Icons

Oops Pages – Creative 404 Sites // Website of the day

TEMPLATED // kostenlose CSS, HTML5 und Responsive Site Templates

430 Handbewegungen // kostenloses Iconset für mobile Apps & Websites

Abstract: The Art of Design // Official Netflix Trailer
Die neue Netflix-Dokumentation „Abstract: The Art of Design“ sieht aus wie Chef’s Table für alle Designinteressierten – egal ob Grafik/Industrial/Interior-Designer, Illustrator, Fotograf oder Architekt. Gibt’s ab dem 10. Februar im Netflix-Stream. Meet eight of the most creative thinkers and imaginative minds working in the world of art and design today in the new Netflix original documentary series, Abstract: The Art of Design. Journey through their creative process, explore their work, and discover how their innovative designs have profoundly affected our every day lives. Abstract: The Art of Design streams only on Netflix in February.
Open Icons // kostenlose Line-Icons

Isometric & 3D Grids

NavNav // Responsive Navigation Sammlung

Design for a perfect screen // kostenloses UX Design eBook