BEYOND // Short Movie by EGYD Studio
Protanopia // 3D Parallax Comic

Storyboarder // kostenlose Storyboarding Software

Moving Letters // Animated Text with JavaScript and anime.js

Titanic // 60 animated Icons

Brick Block // Game Art by Oskar Stålberg

Afternoon Class // by Seoro Oh
Extrapolate // Animation by Johan Rijpma
Animista // CSS Animations on demand

Charles Bukowski’s Crappy Life // by Blank on Blank
Yeah, they say I’m good with dialogue. I’ve lived a while, heard enough fucking conversations, I oughtta be. I was blessed with a crappy life, that’s all. Credits: One afternoon, Bukowski sat down to record the audio version of his classic, Run With the Hunted. The session took place in his home with his wife by his side. These are the outtakes. Produced by and in 2014 Executive Producer David Gerlach Director/Animator Drew Christie Audio Producer Amy Drozdowska