Stephen King’s Stranger Love Songs // by Butcher Billy

Charles Bukowski’s Crappy Life // by Blank on Blank
Yeah, they say I’m good with dialogue. I’ve lived a while, heard enough fucking conversations, I oughtta be. I was blessed with a crappy life, that’s all. Credits: One afternoon, Bukowski sat down to record the audio version of his classic, Run With the Hunted. The session took place in his home with his wife by his side. These are the outtakes. Produced by and in 2014 Executive Producer David Gerlach Director/Animator Drew Christie Audio Producer Amy Drozdowska
Avantrado // Responsive Website Launch

Novapattern // kostenlose High-Quality Muster

SevenCooks // Erstellung responsiver E-Mail Marketing Newsletter

LOGI // kostenloser Font

Snow // kostenloses HTML + PSD Portfolio Template

Make It Now – Tutorials in 1 Minute // by Adobe Creative Cloud
„Make it now“ ist ein neuer Youtube-Channel von Adobe Creative Cloud. Hier gibt es keine Entschuldigung mehr, dass Photoshop Tutorials oft zu lang oder kompliziert sind – alle Videos dauern maximal 1 Minute. Und auch wenn man als Anfänger die Tutorials oft pausieren muss, um die Schritte nachzuvollziehen, kommt man doch relativ schnell an coole Ergebnisse. Ausprobieren!
Primitiva Slab // kostenloser Font

Twin Peaks Skateboard Line // by David Lynch & Habitat