Design, Webentwicklung, Fotografie u.v.m.
Eva Icons // kostenloses Icon-Set

Traveler’s Typeface // kostenloser Font von Arek Zajac

Digitale Interpretationen von klassischen Gemälden mit Algorithmen // Projekt von Dimitris Ladopoulos

One for the night // Aphex Twin: T69 Collapse
Der erste Vorgeschmack auf die neue Aphex Twin EP „Collapse“ – draußen am 14. September 2018 auf Warp. Ach ja – das Video dazu sollte man sich wahrscheinlich nur nüchtern anschauen ;) WARNING: CONTAINS STROBING. Taken from Aphex Twin’s ‘Collapse’ EP out 14 September on Warp. Video by Weirdcore. » via Aphex Twin
Vans x Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam Collaboration

Insta Repeat // Instagram of the day

One for the night // Lea Porcelain: Can I Really Decide
Neuer Track und Video von Lea Porcelain – das Debut Album „Hymns to the Night“ läuft hier immer wieder auf Heavy Rotation. Credits: Music video by Lea Porcelain performing Can I Really Decide. Lea Porcelain Recordings DOP: Damien benvenuti KEY GRIP: Ali Souhail Translation: Dhia Dhouss Lyrics: In exchange for another ego What can I decide? Can I really decide? In excess for another night What can I decide? Can I really decide? Bolder to my mother Crawler through the night What can I decide? Can I really decide? You’re next to me, If I belong to you. But every time I think, does a thought come through? – This is not for me I need my head and my lungs free. And I need you to be there, not where I used to be. How much of me does belong to them? ‘Cause every time I’m free I see one of them. For what would it be day to day? What can I decide? Can I really decide?
Fallout Beach Series // Instagram Fotoserie

Mockup Templates // kostenloser Service von MockupPhotos

Public Design Vault // Website of the day