Luke Paige ist ein junger Fotograf aus Slowenien, der sich vor allem auf Sport- und Lifestylefotografie spezialisiert hat.
Und auch wenn sein komplettes Portfolio einen Blick wert ist, haben es mir vor allem seine kontrastreichen Schwarz/Weiß Skatebilder angetan, in denen seine drei Leidenschaften Brettsport, Architektur und Dokumentarfotografie zusammen verschmelzen. Hier ein kleiner Auszug aus den Serien Monumental, Skatehitecture und Motion Poetry:
Luke is a young, passionate, human based in Slovenia, with most of his experience in actions sports and lifestyle photography. He started growing passion for photography at the age of 15. Out of his passions for boardsports, he developed his very own emotional visual language. Taking pictures has given him a sense of unity and personal satisfaction. They are relics of his life. Souvenirs of his time. All he has learned concerning light and composition is contained within them.
He is also known for his black and white series, in which he is trying to combine three of his favourite passions, board sports, architecture and documentary photography, which had a huge impact on his work. He likes to work and communicate with people and is excited with all parts of photography, preproduction, production and postproduction.
Instagram: @lukepaigephoto